Alstom Rail Half-Year Report 2024
Alstom’s first half 2023/24. Confirming sound market positioning, Alstom takes significant steps to reduce its leverage after negative cash flow.
- H1 2023/24 key figures in line with 4th October preliminary release
- FY 2023/24 outlook:
o Sales organic growth: above 5%
o aEBIT1 margin: around 6%
o Free Cash Flow within the range €(500m) – €(750m) - Mid-term objectives confirmed
- Alstom action plan:
o Commercial and operational efficiency, costs saving plan
o €2 billion balance sheet reinforcement plan
o Simplification of operational setup
In Germany, Alstom was awarded a contract to supply 40 Coradia StreamTM High-Capacity electric multiple units together with full maintenance for 30 years to Nahverkehrsverbund Schleswig-Holstein (NAH.SH), valued at close to €900 million, and including an option for up to 55 additional trains with a corresponding full-service package. The Group also signed a contract with RAILPOOL for 50 TraxxTM Universal multi-purpose locomotives.