Arla Plast Full-Year Report 2023
- Sales volume amounted to 19,232 tonnes (18,657 tonnes) an increase by 3%.
- Net sales amounted to SEK 1,015.1 million (SEK 957.8 million), an increase by 6%. The organic decrease was 3%.
- Operating profit amounted to SEK 91.6 million (SEK 47.0 million), an increase by 95%.
- The operating margin increased to 9.0% (4.9%)
- Profit for the period amounted to SEK 66.9 million (SEK 34.4 million), an increase by 94%.
- Earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 3.29 (SEK 1.72), and after dilution to SEK 3.19 (SEK 1.64).
- Net cash amounted to SEK 81.3 million (SEK -76.7 million) at the end of the period, 0.6 times (-0.9 times) EBITDA.
- The cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 165.5 million (SEK 86.7 million).
- The Board proposes a dividend of 1.25 SEK per share (1 SEK per share), equivalent to 39 percent (58 percent) of net profit.