BMW Q3 Report 2023
The BMW Group performed well during the first nine months of 2023. Robust demand for BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brand vehicles continued to be reflected in high order book levels, with all technological drive variants proving popular with customers worldwide. The BMW Group’s broad and attractive product portfolio remained the underlying factor for the solid sales volume growth recorded in the period under report. Overall, the BMW Group
delivered 621,699 units to customers between July and September (2022: 587,744 units; +5.8 %), bringing the total for the nine-month period to 1,836,563 units (2022: 1,747,838 1 units; +5.1%). This excellent performance enabled the BMW Group to maintain its global lead in the premium segment.
Group revenues generated between January and September represented a solid year-on-year increase to € 112,530 million (2022: € 103,088 million; +9.2% ). Compared to the previous year, revenues for the nine-month period
benefited from the combined effect of higher sales volumes, favourable product mix effects and the consolidation of BMW Brilliance.