DEUTZ AG Half-Year Report 2023
- Margin remains high thanks to success of performance initiatives
- New logistics concept established at headquarters in Cologne
- Progress with warehouse consolidation
- Strong first half of the year:
- Revenue rises to €237.5 million (+6.4%)
- New orders increase to €241.5 million (+5.0%)
- Adjusted EBIT improved to €62.5 million (H1 2022: €42.6 million) due to:
- Economies of scale thanks to increased business volume
- Positive product mix effects
- Market-oriented pricing policy
- Expansion of the service business
- EBIT margin before exceptional items2 increased to 6.1% (H1 2022: 4.6%)
- Net income before exceptional items2 amounted to €44.9 million (H1 2022: €34.0 million)
- Earnings per share before exceptional items2 came to €0.36 (H1 2022: €0.28)