Eni Versalis Full-YEar Report 2022
In 2022 the Versalis group’s core business generated revenue of € 6,215 million, + 11,2% increase compared to
€ 5,590 million reported in 2021. This growth was driven mainly by the consolidation of Finproject groups 2022
results and by the strong increase in the average unit sales price of the Intermediate business (+34,2%) and of
Polymers (+22,0%).
The sales of petrochemical products of 3,676 thousand tons fell by -17,4% (775 thousand tons) from the prior
year 2021. In depth, the main downturn was seen in the olefins (-22,8%) followed by elastomers (-18,7%),
polyethylene (-16,4%) and styrenics ( -12,1%). Looking at the moulding & compounding business, the sales
achieved 76 thousand tons.
The production of petrochemical products of 6,775 thousand tons dropped by 1,701 thousand tons (- 20,1%)
mainly due to lower production of olefins business (-24,3%), aromatics (-22,6%) and polymers (-14,3%). With
regard the moulding & compounding business the production recorded was 81 thousand tons.
Specifically, the main changes were seen in the following plants: (a) Porto Marghera due to the final shutdown in
May 2022 (-63,9%) and (b) Dunkerque (-39,3%) facing a multi-year plant maintenance downtime prolonged
after an unplanned event occurred during the switch on of the plant; these unlikely events have been partially
offset by the higher production at Brindisi site (+9,0%).