Force Majeure on Select Chemicals to Affect Aquatics Industry

Westlake Chemical issued a statement on June 9, notifying customers of an electrical equipment failure that is affecting their chlor-alki production.

“Effective immediately, Westlake Vinyls, Inc (“Westlake”) and Axiall, LLC (“Axiall”) are declaring a force majeure condition for chlorine, hydrochloric acid, and caustic soda manufactured and shipped from its Longview, Washington manufacturing facility.

“Westlake’s/Axiall’s chlor-alki production have been directly and adversely impacted due to the sudden and unanticipated failure of a critical piece of electrical equipment. This equipment failure has disrupted the manufacturing process thereby resulting in limited availability of chlorine, hydrochloric acid, and caustic soda to our customer 

“At this time, we cannot predict the duration of this force majeure event. The effect of this force majeure situation will cause supply disruptions and limit our ability o meet anticipated product demand. While this force majeure event declaration is required at this time, Westlake/Axiall is continuing to work to lessen the impact on our customers.” 

Suppliers of Westlake Chemical products are following suit and several have issued force majeure declarations of their own. If you have any questions regarding this shortage and whether it will affect your supply, please contact your chemical vendors directly.

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