FrieslandCampina Full-Year Report 2023

  • Buffer capital is the equity and non-controlling interests attributable to the shareholder.
  • The net debt shown here is in accordance with the covenant’s guidelines and concerns current and non-current interest-bearing borrowings (excluding lease commitments), receivables from and payables to Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A. less the cash and cash equivalents at the company’s free disposal.
  • In euros per 100 kilograms of milk (exclusive of VAT, at 3.58% protein and 4.45% fat in 2023 and at 3.57% protein, 4.42% fat and 4.53% lactose in 2022). In recent years, FrieslandCampina has invested heavily in valorizing fat. As a result, the need for milk fat has increased. Therefore, fat is valued more and lactose is no longer valued as a milk component.
  • Effective from 2023, member dairy farmers receive a variable Foqus planet premium for Sustainable Development, including pasture grazing, of a maximum of 3.50 euros per 100 kilograms of milk. The average premium is 1.81 euros per 100 kilograms of milk. Dairy farms supplying On the way to PlanetProof milk do not receive a variable Foqus planet premium. The cooperative for 2023 withholds 0.60 euro per 100 kilograms of milk from all members for sustainability.
  • Special supplements concern the total amount of payments per 100 kilograms of milk for VLOG [non-GMO] and the On the way to PlanetProof of 0.52 euro per 100 kilograms of milk, and the difference between the guaranteed price paid for organic milk (57.81 euros) and regular milk (46.26 euros). On average, on all FrieslandCampina member milk, this amounts to 0.09 euro per 100 kilograms of milk.

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