Nitto Denko Q1 Report 2023
Results for Q1 FY2022
- Revenue 208.5 B. yen
- Operating Income 22.4 B. yen
- Revenue -7.9 B. yen (-3-7%)
- Operating Income -16.1 B. yen(-41.8%)
- Revenue and operating income of Industrial Tape and Optronics decreased
- For Human Life, revenue increased, but operating income decreased
- Impact of yen weakness on operating income was 4.5 B. yen
Q1 FY2023 YoY Operating Income Change Analysis (Billion yen)
- 38.5 Q1 FY 2022 (Apr-Jun)
- 0.5 Sales price, purchase price, rationalization
- -11.5 Sales Volume Variance
- -5.0 Fixed Costs
- -0.5 Royalty Income
- 3.0 Special Factors
- -7.1 Others
- 4.5 Impact of foreing change 1Q FY2022:126.0¥/$1Q FY2023:135.1¥/$
- 22.4 Q1 FY2023 (Apr-Jun)