Plastic Omnium Full-Year Report 2022
Strong profitable growth, generating free cash flow
Major acquisitions and strategic investments
towards clean and connected mobility
- The Group achieved all financial targets for 2022 and revises its revenue target for 2025 upwards Strong growth in economic revenue (+18.2% at €9,477 million), of which +9.7%c) organic, outperforming global automotive production) by +2.2 points
- Operating margin up significantly by +20.2% at €364 million, equating to 4.3% of published consolidated revenue (5.1% excluding acquisitions of which 5.5% in 2nd semester), reflecting excellence in industrial performance and a dynamic and agile management of operations
- Robust growth in Net result, Group share (+32.6% at €168 million as published), proposed dividend of €0.39 per share, up +39%
- Offensive approach to innovation (e.g. launch of OP’nSoft, embedded software solutions) and targeted management of industrial capex (i.e. 4.1% of revenue)
- Ramp-up of momentum in order intake in the highly promising hydrogen market, signature of major contracts (Safra, Stellantis, Hyvia, Ford) and future construction of the largest hydrogen vessels factory in Europe
- Further year of strong free cash flow generation of €289 million excluding acquisitions (€243 million including acquisitions), well above target
- Major acquisitions, diversification and strengthening of the growth and value creation profile with €1.3 billion invested, sustained robust financial structure (leverage ratio of 1.9x EBITDA)
- Implementation of the carbon neutrality roadmap, with a 9% decrease in CO2 emissions (scopes 1 & 2) compared to 2021 and 26% compared to the 2019 baseline for our commitments. CDP Climate A- rating.