Porsche Full-Year Report 2022

The fiscal year corresponds to the calendar year.

In order to improve clarity, some items have been combined in the balance sheet and income statement. These items are broken down in the report below.

Figures in the annual financial statements are rounded to the nearest million euro; this can lead to minor differ- ences in total amounts. Notes are also disclosed in millions of euro (€ million), unless indicated otherwise. The income statement is classified using the nature of expense method.

As of the reporting date of December 31, 2022, Porsche AG is a 75.4% direct subsidiary of Porsche Holding Stuttgart GmbH, Stuttgart, which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, Wolfsburg (“Volkswagen AG”). Porsche AG is included in the consolidated financial statements of Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, which are published in the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette). These consolidated financial statements represent the largest consolidated group in which the company is included. Porsche AG, itself a parent company, also prepares consolidated financial statements that are likewise published in the Bundesanzeiger [Ger- man Federal Gazette]. These consolidated financial statements represent the smallest consolidated group in which the company is included.

The domination and profit and loss transfer agreement in place with Porsche Holding Stuttgart GmbH ends on December 31, 2022. Porsche AG is a dependent company of both companies, as defined by section 17 (1) AktG. Due to the domination and profit and loss transfer agreement in place with Porsche Holding Stuttgart GmbH as controlling company in fiscal year 2022, there is no obligation to prepare a dependent company report pursuant to section 312 (1) sentence 1 in conjunction with section 316 AktG.


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