Saint-Gobain Q3 Report 2023
Solid performance in Q3 2023 New record margin expected in 2023
• Sequential price stability in Q3 2023, generating a positive price-cost spread
• Volumes in Q3 2023 in line with expectations for the year
• Further proof of the Group’s resilience in a difficult environment
• Share buyback of €540m so far this year, ahead of target
• 2023 outlook: new record operating margin expected in 2023, double-digit for the
third consecutive year
Like-for-like sales were stable over the nine-month period to September 30, 2023 despite a contraction of 3.1% in the third quarter of the year versus third-quarter 2022 given the more difficult pricing comparison basis due to the price increases implemented proactively in the last few years. In a less inflationary environment prices rose by 5.9% over the nine-month period and by 1.9% in the third quarter, reflecting overall sequential price stability since the start of the year, generating a positive price-cost spread once again.