Simona Half-Year Report 2023

In the first half of 2023, Group earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) declined from €28.7 million a year ago to €25.8 million. At 8.1 per cent, the EBIT margin in the period under review was up slightly on the figure of 7.9 per cent recorded in the previous financial year. EBITDA decreased in absolute terms from €39.1 million to €36.9 million, while the EBITDA margin increased from 10.7 per cent in the previous year to 11.6 per cent.

Group ROCE for the first six months stands at 5.2 per cent (previous year: 5.7 per cent); due to factors relating to the reporting date, ROCE as at 30 June 2023 is below the figure for the annual period as a whole, as anticipated (31 December 2022: 11.4 per cent).

The Group‘s earnings performance in the first half of 2023 compared to the previous year was mainly characterised by an increase in earnings in the Americas region, while earnings in EMEA and Asia-Pacific declined significantly. Alongside the production company in the United Kingdom, which was acquired in 2022, the enterprise in Türkiye made a significant contribution to EBIT in the EMEA region with a strong improvement in earnings. Despite the decline in revenue, the Americas segment recorded a sizeable increase in earnings compared to the first half of 2022, which was due in part to an improved product mix. In the Asia-Pacific segment, the subsidiary in India proved to be the principal growth driver with regard to earnings, while the production company in China only managed to achieve break-even due to the devaluation of the renminbi.

The sharp year-on-year rise in energy prices in Europe resulted in energy expenses of €14.8 million (previous year: €10.9 million) for the Group and €10.9 million (previous year: €6.8 million) for

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