Sp Group Half-Year Report 2023
- In H1 2023, revenue fell by 2.2% to DKK 1,370.1m
- In H1 2023, revenue from own brands fell by 18.9% to DKK 317.1m
- In H1 2023, EBITDA fell by 7.8% to DKK 230.3m
- In H1 2023, the EBITDA margin fell 1.0 percentage points to 16.8%
- A total of more than 1,000 customers
- he largest customer accounts for under 10% (2021: 11%)
- The 10 largest customers accounts for 48% (2021: 51%)
- The 20 largest customers accounts for 57% (2021: 61%)
- Hopefully, the global economy will grow in 2023, but it is still fragile and marked by political and economic uncertainty
- New products and solutions, new customers and growth among a number of our existing customers are expected to contribute to growth and earnings
- The present outlook is:
- Revenue growth in the range of 0-10% (previously 5-15%) – An EBITDA margin of 16-19% (unchanged)
- An EBT margin of 7-10% (previously 9-12%)