Toyota Full-Year Report 2023

In FY2023 (ended March 31, 2023), although the global economy showed signs of recovery thanks to the easing of restrictions on economic activities to prevent the spread of COVID-19, uncertainties abound. They include global inflation triggered by soaring raw material and energy prices due to the conflict in Ukraine as well as heightened concerns over an economic recession arising from higher interest rates in various countries. Meanwhile, the recovery of the Japanese economy was moderate due mainly to soaring prices accompanied by the rapid depreciation of the yen. In this operating environment, Toyota Industries undertook efforts to ensure customer trust through a priority to quality as well as to expand sales by responding flexibly to market trends.

In terms of overall profit, despite an increase in raw material costs, labor costs and logistic costs, owing to an increase in sales, the impact of exchange rate fluctuations and further advances in cost reduction efforts throughout the Toyota Industries Group, Toyota Industries posted consolidated operating profit of 169.9 billion yen, an increase of 10.9 billion yen, or 7%, from the previous fiscal year. Profit before income taxes totaled 262.9 billion yen, an increase of 16.8 billion yen, or 7%. Profit attributable to owners of the parent totaled 192.8 billion yen, an increase of 12.5 billion yen, or 7%.

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