Vito Annual Report 2024
With the astounding drop in energy prices, the general inflation in Belgium slowed very significantly in 2023. With inflation totalling 2.3%, Belgium also ended up at a much lower level than its neighbours in 2023. On the other hand, the prices of food, services and non-energy industrial goods are increasing, which made it a challenging economic year, also for VITO. Even so, our results in 2023 were strong again and VITO continues to grow in terms of budget and staffing, also internationally. We launched the start of two new spin-offs and invested in new state-of-the-art (pilot) infrastructure, which as preferential innovation partner of governments, companies and citizens will help us to go further in maximising our impact in the field of sustainable raw materials, climate and living environment.
Financing Reference Tasks 13 803 kEUR
Business Revenue 101 294 kEUR